
I’m B. K. Jones, fiction novelist. I completed and published my first novel, Indian Paintbrush, in March 2013. I wrote it out longhand on legal pads in my spare time over several years while still working my regular full-time job. It’s available on Amazon Kindle at the link above or in paperback here.

Now, I’m working on my second thriller novel while traveling the country living in our RV with my wife, Sharon, searching for inspiration for my writing and her photography. Please take a look at her beautiful work at her Etsy store link below.

I’ll be posting samples from my writing here on this blog as well as samples of Sharon’s work, so check back often.

Facebook for B. K. Jones, Fiction Novelist

Facebook for Sharon S. Jones Fine Art Photography

Etsy Store for Sharon S. Jones Fine Art Photography

Thanks for taking the time to check us out.


10 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Wanderlust? … Or is it something else? | Brian and Sharon

  2. Pingback: Fun, Fitness, and Getting Things Done | Brian and Sharon

  3. I too am becoming dissatisfied with conventional. Just fell into an opportunity to work anywhere at anytime, so my mind is filled with what-ifs. Have a couple of hurdles to overcome, but I see my lifestyle changing sooner rather than later. Until then, I shall follow along with you!

  4. Pingback: Your Little could be Someone’s Big | MAY YOUR SOUL STIR™

  5. Hey, SB. I wanted to drop you a line to thank you again for your kind words about my new ebook. I was wondering if you had a moment to leave an Amazon review for it. As I’m finding out, ebooks are made and broken on reviews. I understand that it takes a moment of your time, although I would be very grateful.

    On a sidenote, drop me a line on Twitter, and I’d be happy to retweet a post of yours about your book, Indian Paintbrush. A two-decade secret and a mysterious murder sounds like an interesting combination to me! In reference to a recent post you wrote, I imagine it would help to get the word out about your book, as I have a decent following on there.

    Thanks again! : )


  6. Pingback: Art Market This Weekend | B. K. and Sharon S. Jones

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